Creative Code

Geometric art

The script creates a geometric artwork using rectangles and arcs with different colors. It draws a series of colored rectangles, both horizontal and vertical, and adds several arcs with distinct colors to form a visually appealing pattern.

Generative Art

This Processing code creates an interactive, animated spiral of circles. It smooths the drawing, sets a high frame rate for fast animation, and centers the drawing on the canvas. The sine function creates a looping wave effect, and the wave’s amplitude is controlled by the mouse’s horizontal position. A loop generates 500 circles that rotate to form a spiral pattern, with circles’ positions influenced by the sine wave.


This code creates an animation of 500 falling snowflakes using Processing. It sets up a 600×600 pixel window and initializes each snowflake with random positions and speeds. In the draw() function, the screen refreshes to show the snowflakes falling. Each snowflake, represented by the Snow class, falls from the top and accumulates at the bottom, growing in size. When a snowflake gets too large, it resets to fall again. The ‘Snow‘ class handles the initialization, movement, display, and accumulation of each snowflake.

Regenerating cars

This code creates an animation of 80 cars driving across a 600×600 pixel window using Processing. In the setup() function, it initializes each car with random colors, positions, and speeds. In the draw() function, the background is refreshed, and each car is moved and displayed on the screen. The Car class defines each car’s color, position, and speed, and includes methods to display the car as a rectangle and to update its position. If a car moves off the right side of the screen, it reappears on the left. The Line class is defined but not used in this code.

Generative Art P2

This Processing code creates an interactive, animated spiral of circles. It smooths the drawing, sets a high frame rate for fast animation, and centers the drawing on the canvas. The sine function creates a looping wave effect, and the wave’s amplitude is controlled by the mouse’s horizontal position. A loop generates 500 circles that rotate to form a spiral pattern, with circles’ positions influenced by the sine wave.

Generating balloons

is code creates an animation of non-overlapping circles appearing on a 600×600 pixel window using Processing. Each time the sketch starts, it displays a different random background color. The draw() function continuously creates new circles, checks if they overlap with existing ones, and displays them if they don’t. The Circles class defines each circle’s position, size, and color, and includes methods for checking overlaps (check()) and displaying the circles (paint()). Circles are only drawn if they do not overlap with any previously drawn circles, ensuring all circles are distinct and non-overlapping.

The second Alarm

Created by “Riley Mills and Colin Weed” The second Alarm is an addition or backup to your normal everyday alarm system whether it be an alarm clock or the alarm on your cellular device. To clarify though this tool is a separate object and is not attached to an alarm system. The Second Alarm is a sound detection system that will be used to detect when the alarm will be going off and once the alarm is detected it will begin to sense light differences in the room. If there are no changes in the room then the device will begin to go off on its own. The user will have to get up and manually turn the device off, therefore, getting them up out of bed.

The purpose and importance

An individual’s time management skills especially for college students is very important. Being able to have enough time during the day to complete a multitude of tasks without overwhelming oneself is vital to stay successful. But one of the leading causes to someone’s time management skill being interpreted is an individual’s oversleeping habits. Oversleeping can have a serious amount of consequences for college students who are already balancing a number of responsibilities. It can lead to missed classes, assignments, and meetings, which can ultimately impact their grades and academic success. Oversleeping can also affect one’s mental health, causing them to feel lethargic, unmotivated, and even depressed. This unhealthy habit happens to a majority of individuals around 55-60% of men and women tend to oversleep due to hitting the snooze button on they’re alarms. Being in arms reach it can be very simple to hit the snooze button. On average around 6.31% of women and 5.56%of men admit to hitting the button multiple times since it’s so simple to turn off your alarm and go back to bed. To go more into detail the snooze button is a button on an alarm clock that stops the alarm from making noise for a short time so that the sleeper can rest for a few more minutes. 
To improve time management skills, it’s important to develop healthy sleeping habits. In order to prevent the habit of hitting the snooze button or oversleeping we are developing a device that will be able to detect sound at a higher frequency and sense light differences. The sound detection will be used to detect when the alarm will be going off and once the alarm is detected it will begin to sense light differences in the room. If there are no changes in the room then the device will begin to go off on its own. The user will have to get up and manually turn the device off therefore getting them up out of bed. The device will be installed in a specific spot in a room where it will be able to detect light differences, for example putting the device in the top corner of your room. The goal is to get the person out of bed while also getting rid of the habit of hitting the snooze button/oversleeping. 

I Will link two downloadable files containing all the documents for the project and a file for the code.

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